Fill your day with simple pleasures. Make a list of your favorite simple pleasures, and sprinkle them throughout your day. List here.Sometimes I feel like I need to put simple pleasures on my to-do list. Isn't that sad? Right before 'Create blog post for client' I could jot down 'Savor homemade jam on crunchy toast'. After crossing off 'Pay water and sewer bill' perhaps I'd 'Sit outside and gaze up at the trees and sky'. The truth is I sometimes do put reminders on my many lists so I don't forget the simple pleasures. It's easy to forget that there is homemade jam and to fill my lunch hours with something other than nibbling toast and jam on the porch.
Now that summer has ended, so many of my personal simple pleasures will be put on hold for some months. Walking on the beach, letting the ocean lap my toes, for instance. Family bike rides on sweaty hot days. Fresh berries. The warmth of the sun on my face. Fall brings other pleasures, I suppose. Kicking through leaves snuggled up tight in a jacket. Pumpkin fare. Winter? For me, not so much. We have no fireplace and wintertime foods are what exactly? Snow bites my toes and the short days make me sad. I can't say I'm looking forward to much simple pleasure in the coming months.
Lately, my most consistent pleasure has been waking up a few minutes early to sip my coffee and read whatever I'm reading before hopping in the shower - the official start of my day. I think I need to find more accessible simple pleasures. Things I can do every day, not just when money or time or the weather permits. My simple pleasure used to be lounging about with the P. or taking a slow walk to the playground, but now my schedule and the demands of mealtimes and potty training have kind of eroded that.
I like all of the simple pleasures in the linked article, but they're not necessarily the ones that speak to me. Maybe I'll try not to feel so rushed tomorrow, to savor something. Maybe not - it's going to be a busy day. Hope I do, though!

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