BUT I also a family. And a lot going on. Some things are bound to, and frequently do, slip through the cracks. In other words, there is definitely room for improvement in this area of my existence.
Today's voluntary simplicity idea:
Streamline your life. Many times we live with unplanned, complex systems in our lives because we haven’t given them much thought. Instead, focus on one system at a time (your laundry system, your errands system, your paperwork system, your email system, etc.) and try to make it simplified, efficient, and written. Then stick to it. Here’s more. Another good article here.Now at first glance the idea of creating systems for everything and anything seems like an easy way to over-complicate your life. And maybe it's true, at least in the short term. Have you ever cleaned a really messy room and found that the clutter gets decidedly worse before it gets better? I think today's idea - called "systemizing" in one of the links, ugh - is one that will seem utterly too complex at first while doing quite a bit to simplify one's life in the long term.
My opinion is based on my own practical evolution, which is good and bad. Good in that the older I've gotten, the better I think I am at handling the overall complexity of modern living because I've developed natural systems born out of trial and error. Bad in that because these are systems that evolved inside my head, I don't realize I have to share them with other people if I want them to abide by this or that system. And the systems are all geared toward my preferences, not effective streamlining. Let's take a look at some of the areas that can be streamlined, modified to my household's needs:
- Mail: Opened, and stashed or recycled as soon as I get home. We don't get much mail, so I don't stress over this one.
- Bills: The biggies are paid automatically, so score. The occasional bills that don't lend themselves to automation or don't even come with that option are paid on an as-needed basis, usually through the bank account. Again, no stress.
- Tedd lunches: Mostly packed the night before, but I never do it at a set time and usually end up doing it at 10:45 p.m. because I've forgotten about it. VERDICT: NEEDS SYSTEM.
- Paloma activities: These days, what we do after daycare pick up is based on what I think she wants to do or what she expresses an interest in doing. I fear systemizing this because after daycare she seems to need some free play/down time most days.
- Chores: Sunday night vac and floor wash. Dishes washed and put away daily. Counters and table wiped after food prep and eating. Toys put away nightly. NEEDS SYSTEM: BATHROOM, UPSTAIRS FLOOR, BASEMENT, STORAGE ROOMS
- Travel: Our main travel destination is NY and we have the car-to-ferry dance down pat.
- Yardwork: This gets done when I feel like things get ghetto, but I'm tolerant of a less than perfect yard because I prefer a messier garden look. That's what I tell myself anyway. I would like to institute a system of food growing next year to avoid this year's terrible harvest.
- Freelance work: My system is a system but it's only a system to me, and you don't want to know the weird ways I use paper and Gmail to streamline task management because it would probably make you cry. It works for me, though!
- Incoming stuff (gifts, purchased items): Unwrapped and immediately put away. No problems here.
- Bookmarks: It's time for me to re-implement my system now that I'm no longer a bridal blogger or a lifestyle blogger. Currently, there are probably hundreds of links of interest to brides and home decor enthusiasts in my browser that need to get wiped. VERDICT: DELETE DELETE DELETE!
Why? Because I feel like almost everything else I've put into practice while participating in the 72 Ideas in 72 Days Project has made my life a little easier (and I'm very much enjoying that).

What a brilliant blog. I will be sure to check back often. Terrific topic :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm checking yours out right now!