What's today's simple living list item?
Purge your stuff. If you can devote a weekend to purging the stuff you don’t want, it feels seriously terrific. Get boxes and trash bags for the stuff you want to donate or toss. Here’s my guide on decluttering. Here’s a post on starting small. More on purging below.So what's the problem? Considering how many donation pick-ups I do each year, I ought to be a pro at decluttering and simplifying by losing the stuff, right? Problem is, I have a couple of blockages that get in the way of my ever doing a purge that goes beyond two boxes of said stuff.
One of which is my attachment to sentimental clutter and gifts. I realized only recently that yes, I am in fact afraid to get rid of items that I associate with special people or places because I'm afraid I'll forget those places without the things.
Which isn't true, and is actually kind of silly.
Second on the list might be the little voice saying "But I might need this someday!" Which is sometimes true, but mostly not true. And when it is true, I usually don't remember I have the thing I need until after I've bought a new one OR I can't find the thing I know I have. Considering that this doesn't happen often, having to buy the occasional new thing shouldn't bug me.
And third, being that I am a habitual straightener, I sometimes need somewhere to stash the "indecision items". That's the stuff I'm on the fence about. Do I shred it or file it? Donate it or make a pledge to wear it come winter. Where should spray paint really be stored if I plan to use it soon? And so on. The consequence is that my closets and basement and certain other areas are often full of stuff that needs to either be put away or tossed - whenever I happen to figure out which.
So today I finally felt like I had a concrete something to work on. Step one was taking photos of the problem areas, which I was going to share here but really, cluttered closets just aren't that visually interesting. Step two was actually doing some decluttering. Since I couldn't get to everything today, I chose one problem area to tackle: the front coat closet. Here's a before and after:
No spectacular change here, but the closet floor is ready for shoes and I hung up what needed hanging. I also organized our cold weather gear in preparation for fall and winter, and pulled a lot of stuff to either be packed away for future babies or go to the Goodwill. Or to where it actually belongs. In the next couple of days, I plan to do the same for the other areas I photographed. Like my daughter's closet, the cabinet over the toilet, and the "kitchen dump" that's supposed to be a temporary placement area for keys and mail but has a lot more in it than that.
Honestly, I do feel a little anxious about showing my secret clutter to the world - especially after the Attorney At Large's neat-riffic Day 9 - but I think it's healthy in that it will help me STOP STASHING STUFF IN CORNERS JUST SO NO ONE WILL SEE IT. Yes, I have clutter! Yes, I have stuff that never seems to find its proper place. Come over some time and ask to see it and I will. How about that?

That looks awesome! Also, I love your wall color.
ReplyDeleteAfter abandoning the closets and garage of Dorian Gray, I still have the wardrobes of Dorian Gray and the storage unit of Dorian Gray. While I miss having a front closet or a real coat/hatstand, my front closet always looked like a bomb went off, even right after I organized it. The problem is my coat fetish. I can purge 25 pairs of shoes (and have) but coats? No can do.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how happy I am to know that someone else does this. When I have company visiting my house always looks tidy but if they opened, a drawer, closet, storage bin, they would see how cluttered and messy I truly am. I am so ready to purge, purge, purge.